Monday, November 21, 2011

18 Month's

I can't believe that my little Princess is a year and a half old already. Didn't we just celebrate her 1st birthday? Where does the time go?

Olivia headed to the doctor this morning for her 18 month well visit and her vaccination. Always the fun part of our visit. Although it is much harder now because ever since they did her ear piercing she hates going, at least when they call her back. She doesn't mind the waiting room with the toys. It's become quite the fight to get her unclothed, weighed, and measured. She will crawl up whoever is holding her at the time just to get away. Dr. P gave her her very first lollipop for doing so well. He said she is doing great and looks great.

Weight: 18 lbs. 14 ozs. 1%
Height: 29 3/4 inches 7%
(she has grown 2 1/4 inches since her 15 month check up...WOW)

Her vocabulary has continued to grow and it's unbelievable how many words this kid can say. We have been teaching her the difference between the night and day sky and what belongs in each. Now when we leave at night she says 'Moon' and wants to find it. One night while we were leaving Mommom's we heard an owl, and she now has learned what they do. She will 'hoot' if asked. We talk while we are in the car in the morning about the clouds, sun, birds, and trees. I love our talks on the way to Mommom's or running errands.

She has had a love for Barney for quite some time now, but it has gone from love to obsession. We had Nana's car and made the mistake of letting her watch Barney while we were running around one night. Now every time we get in any car she points to the ceiling and says Barney (through out our trip) and we constantly remind her that we don't have Barney in our car. But it is awesome to watch her while she sings along to the songs they sing especially the last one.

Tonight we are heading to Myrtle Beach for Thanksgiving and
I am sure that we will hear her call for Barney on several occasions.

She has always been a Daddy's girl but in the past couple of month's it has become much more apparent. She calls for him all the time and creates much more of a scene if he leaves. It's adorable and we have gotten very creative at distracting her to calm her down. Daddy is defiantly wrapped around her little finger. 

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