Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Adventures in Solids

At Benjamin's 4 month appointment we were given the goahead to begin solids, so this past Saturday we did just that. We ran out and picked up some rice cereal for the little man and dug out the bowls and spoons.

He watched with such excitment as I mixed his cereal with his milk to get the right consistancy and his eyes got even bigger as the spoon came towards him. It was like 2nd nature for him to eat off a spoon, we couldn't believe how easy it was. He downed the first bowl (which really wasn't much) and started to get upset that there wasn't any more. So I quickly made up some more!

Amazing what a difference this is then it was with Olivia. I can't wait to give him some vegatables the end of this week. That might be a little more interesting.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Benjamin's Baptism

Sunday July 22, 2012 Benjamin was baptized at St. Mary Magdalen. It was beautiful ceremony and intimate as it was sperate from any of the masses. Our family and friends were there as our church welcomed it's newest member. It meant so much to me as this is where Jamie and I attended school and also where Olivia has begun the Early Childhood Education program.

It was even more special because Benjamin wore the same gown that my Mom, her sisters, Jamie, our cousin's, Olivia, and I all wore. It is alomst 60 years old! He looked precious in it.

Benjamin's Godparent's 'Uncle' Mark and Aunt Julie were thrilled and we are so excited for them to have become a very special part of our family.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Benjamin's 1st Hair Cut

Saturday morning while Ben worked I took Benjamin with me to the hair salon. I figured since he was getting Baptised on Sunday that he should be treated. I took his bumbo seat with me to make it a little easier. Once J put his little cape on he just sat there trying to eat the cars that were all over it.

He was so good while she wet down his hair and made the first cut's. By the time she was all done he looked so much like a little boy and no longer like a little baby.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Big Pine Key 2012

We have recently returned from 5 beautiful (and rainy) days in the Key's with Ben's family and oh the stories we have to share. We packed up the kids and met the rest of the caravan in Florida City on Saturday morning to head the rest of the way to Big Pine Key.

We made a few stops on the way but the most entertaning was stopping to feed the Tarpon from the dock. This is where I realized that Olivia has a lot of me in her but when it came to feeding the Tarpon she was all her Daddy. She dug her hand right down in the bucket with all the yucky fish and just threw them right in following it with wiping her hands on her cute little tee. Yup not like Mommy at all.

We spent the days hanging by the pool, fishing and snorkling out on the reefs. I even caught a fish, a little yellow one. At night we cooked, went into Key West, or went to sleep somewhat early. There was lizard catching and Key Deer watching, oh what I would give to be back there.

Yup it happened:
Day 1:
-Grandma began our trip with a fall into the bushes, she's fine but she has a story to tell.
-Wyatt lost his brand new $300 sunglasses off the boat.

Day 2:
-Heidi lost her sunglasses off the Jet Ski
-Matt lost 4 teeth while we were in Key West celebrating Wyatt's Birthday. I think this is everyone's favorite.
-Wyatt lost his balance and feel and busted his knee.

Day 3:
-Colton and I got seasick. (Kinda boring)
-DJ was ejected from the boat on the way back from the Island and lost his sunglasses (but managed to save his beer), JackLee was thrown to the other side of the boat and cut his head.

Day 4:

Day 5:
-Olivia busted her eye on the railing in the pool (a nice bruise to show)
-Paul's boat was stopped and they got a ticket because the kids were hanging their feet off the front of the boat.

All in all we had a fantastic time and can't wait to go back again!

4 Month's {Benjamin}

Weight: 15.5lbs  
56th Percentile
Height: 26 1/4 inches
88th Percentile

We began today with a well visit to Dr. P's office and found out that the little man grew 3 inches and 2 pounds since his last appointment 2 month's ago. Wow, what a growth spurt. He was great as always while he was being examined and we found that he is now able to start on rice cereal 2 times a day. We have to start it out once part cereal to 4 parts momma's milk and once we get it to a thicker point we can then begin with fruits and vegetables. We can introduce a new one every 3-4 days. What a fun new journey this will be. He also had another round of vaccines 2 shots and one by mouth.

Benjamin has had a busy month perfecting his rolling over to get off his tummy but he doesn't do it much from his back to belly. Seeing that he would prefer not to be on his belly period! He is always trying to sit himself up, working out those abs, and is super close to being able to sit up by himself. He is very vocal, making lots of sounds, the M's are his favorite. He is also loving his toys and trying to put them in his mouth to chew on. I am still waiting to find teeth but I don't think it will be to much longer.

He went on his first trip to the Key's this past week and even though it was a little to warm for him to spend to much time outside he still got to enjoy the pool. I think he was quite content playing inside where it was cool. We can't wait to take him back when he is a bit older because like his big sister he is a little water baby.

His personality is really shinning, Benjamin is such an easy baby. He loves his sleep and food, only fussing if he is wet or hungry. He still sleeps for about 8-10 hour's at night and his nap schedule is becoming more prevalent with 2 naps in the morning and 2 in the evening. He also loves to be played with anything that makes him laugh.

He will return to the Dr. at 6 months for another well visit.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Olivia's Big Day

Olivia went to her first day of day care at Saint Mary Magdalen today. She is in the Early Learning Program there, both Jamie and I went to school there through 8th grade.

Ben wasn't able to miss work so I had my Dad go with me to drop her off. She was so excited while getting ready and finally arriving at school. We took her back to the 2 year old's room and once she was inside it was like we weren't even there. She was off inspecting all the new toys there was to play with. She barely broke away to give us a hug and kiss goodbye.

She had a great first day! She enjoyed her snack time and especially loved playing on the playground with all the other children in her class. When Papa picked her up at 11 she was crying because the her teacher Mrs. Wassey had just changed her diaper and apparently she didn't want her to. Oh silly thing. Papa was also shown the Octopus hand art that she made that day.

All in all I think she had a great time at her first day of school. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012


I never thought that kids so young could imagine monsters anywhere.

For the past 2 month's (maybe less) Olivia has become familiar with the idea of a monster. We are not entirely sure where it began from but so far it has been harmless. During the day she will say that there is a monster in the backyard or out the window. We have never acted as if that monster was scary or dangerous. I would just ask what he was doing or what color he was (always pink)? What kind of pink anything is scary? She has never seemed to be bothered by them except when she said there was one in the kitchen who wanted to play and she didn't want to. So I told her to tell him to go away because she didn't want to play with him.

That is up until last night. Olivia jumped out of our bed and went to her room in search of new PJ's (why I am still not sure). Ben and I just laid in bed figuring that she would return, instead we hear her crying for Daddy. So off he went to find her, where did he find her? Hiding in her closet because she said that there was a monster outside of her room. Oh that made me so sad. I don't want her to be frightened, even though I am sure that she saw the tree. But in the dark of her room and outside one can never be sure.

Poor little girl, how am I going to fix this one?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

What I LOVE!

Benjamin has been doing really well holding his head up, grasping on to objects, and has recently found his feet. I love this little face, big ol' belly, and amazingly calm personality, that is unless he is hungry!

Rainy day attire, or every day wear. Olivia loves her some rain boots and insists on wearing them just about everywhere. But 2 weeks ago in our 5 day's of rain she got some good use out of those things. Even Aunt Jamie let her jump in puddles after dinner was over. Oh dear how I love this amazing little girl!!!!