Monday, May 13, 2013

Talk Talk Talk

Olivia has always loved to play with our phones, play phones, and things that look like phones. Now if you put a real person talking back at the end of that phone she clamps her little mouth shut and won't speak. But if she is just babbling to any list of people for pretend she can talk forever.

I can hear her talking and when I ask who it is she is talking to it could be, Aunt Julie, Aunt Jamie, Brother, Daddy, Gigi, Nana, and the list goes on. She has full on conversations with them about what she is doing, buying, or making up something she could be doing or buying. I love listening to her little voice just jabber on and on while she walks around with the phone between her ear and shoulder. Ahh I can see the teenage years that we have ahead of us. I will surely have an unlimited plan for this girl.

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