Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Belly Comparison

It has started again. I guess people just don't realize that all pregnant women are different and grow at different rates. 

(Pardon the pained look on my face in the new one) I am just about the same size as I was with Olivia. My weight gain is now even with the first pregnancy.

You would think that going through this once already would have prepared me a little better for the comments that people say to you. Yes, right to your face with no concern for your feelings or that you are a complete stranger or that your hormones are crazy and you could snap at any moment.

I have been asked on numerous occasions if I am going "to be getting an early Christmas gift?". Of course when I reply no that I am not due until the end of March, you should see their faces. Or even better their reply..."are you sure there is only 1 in there?" No you know what those sonograms are always wrong and my doctor knows nothing. Of course I am sure there is only 1. I want to be like I am only 5'1 where do you think I am going to put this kid.

How would people like it if I just went around telling people how fat I thought they were?

Although I have to say that with all of the not so complimentary comments I have received I have gotten a lot of very nice comments that I didn't get with Olivia. I have had many people tell me that I make pregnancy look good, and one young girl say that she hoped she looked as beautiful as I do when she gets pregnant. Wow I am honored and wonder if were are looking in the same mirror? Keep 'em coming people you cancel out all the people who have no idea what to say.

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