Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sleepless Night

Well Tuesday as we each arrived home from work and playing at Mommom's house, I thought what a great night. We had planned to make a nice dinner and just relax. I even got these beautiful flowers from Ben and Olivia...Just Because!

All went according to plan, dinner, Olivia got her bath, she went off to sleep, and Ben and I enjoyed a few of the new shows. Then, it changed around 11ish she woke up crying and we brought her into our room to calm her and get her back to bed. Nope not this time, she cried for an hour, no milk would help. She didn't want to be held, she just flung herself around the bed. This is very much how our entire night went. We got her to sleep, she whined, she moved all around the bed, and she woke up crying. At 5ish AM she woke asking for milk and then refused to drink it, instead she cuddled it like a stuffed animal and slept with it. Each time I took it away or tried she screamed (even in her sleep). Silly kid. Somewhere in the midst of all the crying and sleeplessness we decided it was her teeth and tried to give her tylenol with no avail. She clung to me like a white on rice, yup the kid who thinks its like candy.

It was worse then the night we came home from the hospital! We woke (if you can say that) after a total of 3? hours of sleep. I felt like I was run over by a bus. Luckily for me I decided to work from home but poor Ben didn't have that option. However the other person that didn't get a great night of sleep, even though it was certainly more then we did, woke looking like this...

Huh? How do kids have this kind of resiliency?

She spent the day at Mommom's and I enjoyed a nap, got work done, laundry, cleaning, and made a cake (which the icing melted off of over

Knowing that the impending darkness that brought 'nig night time' was not going to be good, we felt prepaired but not comforted. Daddy was putting Olivia to sleep in our bed while I showered and luckily for me and my still-hanging-around-all-day-sickness!

Because then I hear "I need HELP!" and I knew what it was, poor Olivia threw up (big girl style...EWE) all over Daddy and then all over the bed! Good ole Daddy took one for the team, otherwise you can imagine the bigger mess we would have been cleaning up if it were me.

Thankfully catching up on all the other laundry did not allow me time to strip the bed and wash every blanket, sheet, and comforter like I wanted to. To get a good laugh picture how the three of us slept in our big bed...on the mattress cover with pillows and no cases, (all the sheets were now dirty and one set in the dryer far from dry enough to put on the bed. Who knew that should have been my priority?)  each of us wrapped in one of Olivia's blankets! Yea, I still laugh when I think of it. But the good news is she slept well and only woke for milk twice, surprisingly after having an empty stomach!

Happy Thursday Everyone! I am sure your week has been better then ours, but not as interesting!

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