Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"Mommy Knows Best"... such an old saying and I now understand why it has been around so long. It's TRUE! Who knew? Well, I guess our mother's knew, but we must have had to learn from experience or we would not give our mom's or parent's for that matter such a hard time. Personally I have learned from having Olivia that I know what is best for her (of course Ben does too). After spending almost every waking minute with her, I have been able to decipher her cries, whines, and coos. I never thought it was possible to know exactly what would make her happy at any given moment.

"Mommy is so mean to you..." I have come to notice that many people say this to my child and I hate to say it really bugs me. I'm not sure if I'm the only one who feels this way,but I would assume that I am not. Is this some kind of sabotage, is this why kids grow up thinking that the "Mommy knows best..." saying is just something made up to make their lives miserable? My mom keeps telling me to wait until I hear that first dreaded "I hate you!" As I am not looking forward to it, I feel that this "Mommy is so mean..." is just the beginning. How come no one says "Daddy is so mean to you..." is it because many times Dad's are seen as the one you go running to when Mommy says no? Is it predetermined that Mommy is bad cop and Daddy is good cop.

Yes, I am well aware that my relationship with my daughter is going to have it's ups and downs, good times and bad, but I choose to look forward to the wonderful memories we will make together as a family. I hope for Olivia that she knows that her Daddy and I are only to here to protect and love her. I want her to be able to come to us and know that we may not agree with what she will do but, the love that we felt for her on the day of her birth will not change or diminish. I wish for myself patience and understanding as my little one grows. It is so amazing to watch as she learns new things every day.

Whom ever has said that children thrive on a schedule has spoken pearls of wisdom. Predictability has become our best friend, we plan everything we do, and it works perfectly. Our day is fairly the same from when we wake up to when we go to sleep. Olivia has done really well getting the hang of our schedule and she is a schedule baby!

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