Monday, July 25, 2011

A First for Mommy

With all of the firsts that we have been celebrating for Olivia I thought that I must celebrate a big first for me. This past weekend I packed my bags and headed off to the west coast for a much needed girls getaway. Girl's meaning a weekend of adult conversation and not worrying about the little. It was my first time leaving her for more then one night (3 nights and almost 4 full days).

Kristen and I stayed at the Don Cesar in St. Pete, I have never been there and it was beautiful. It was like a beautiful pink sand castle on the water. We checked in and staked out our chairs by the pool so we could get some lunch. Which we repeated each day, breakfast on the patio after we snagged our chairs by the pool, lunch and drinks, and were a bit more adventurous for dinner.

We were lucky to have 2 friends that were able to join us at different points for our weekend Asia came Friday and Saturday and Carrie joined us Saturday and Sunday.

Drinks by the pool!

First Night

Second Night

Beautiful Night

Last Day and Night
 It was truly an amazing weekend and I was able to come back recharged and ready for another week. I couldn't drive fast enough to get back home to Ben and Olivia, I missed them so much.

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